Here is a flavour of
Bahram & The Aga Khan III.
The period between the wars was a great time for British Flat Racing: it was still dominated by the big owner-
During this time there were some outstanding racehorses: Hyperion, Windsor Lad, Fairway, Coronach, Colorado and Blue Peter. However, there is almost no argument about which was the best: Bahram. He was unbeaten and largely untested in nine races over two seasons and his wins included the Triple Crown. He was Champion as a juvenile and as a three-
His career was controlled by two of the giants of racing history: his owner-
Bahram & The Aga Khan III, is not just the story of a great racehorse. The life of the Aga Khan III and the evolution of his breeding empire are re-
Bahram’s trainer was Frank Butters a great practitioner of his art whose incredible life and career endured many vicissitudes over which he triumphed only to succumb eventually to tragedy.
Bahram & The Aga Khan III is a compelling story of a great horse but also covers the period from the early nineteen twenties until the middle of the nineteen fifties. The Great War was over but during this period a second, catastrophic, World War was endured.